During the election, Underwood published a platform online, along with his thoughts on current issues facing local voters. The election platform, along with Tom's views on core government functions, will remain available through links below. Additionally, updates will be published with Tom's take on the progress of the Culpeper County Board of Supervisors.
Just as our Congressman does not speak for all of Congress, Underwood does not speak for the Board of Supervisors. The views expressed below are in Tom's own words and represent his outlook on the issues as the Salem District Representative. Underwood states, "I am writing updates every couple of months so that citizens of the Salem District in Culpeper County understand my outlook on some issues facing county government. The audience I am soliciting for communication is voters in Reva, Boston, Salem, Griffinsburg, Norman, White Shop and Waylands Mill. The update is mine as a district representative on the Board. Updates on behalf of the entire Board are written by the Board Chairman and published in the Culpeper Minutes."
Culpeper Board of Supervisors 2008-2010
Recap of Culpeper Board of Supervisors Campaign 2007
Tom Underwood's Political Views